Reuse, recycle, remodel your old jewellery
You’ve probably heard the word jewellery remodel or jewellery redesign before. But what is it exactly, and how does this work?
Placeholder or temporary engagement ring
If you are planning a surprise proposal, choosing the engagement ring is certainly the most complicated task.
Pearl Guide
The mysterious beauty and watery origins of pearls have inspired symbolism and mythology for centuries.
Why choose handmade gifts this Christmas?
Don't we all love to receive and give something unique, a gift made with love and passion, that respect our planet.
10 fascinating facts about sapphires
Sapphires have been treasured and associated with royalty and romance for hundreds of years.
What are Black Diamonds?
Bold, powerful and elegant black diamonds have become one of several popular alternatives to the traditional diamond.
Spring clean your jewellery box
These essential tips will have you falling in love with your forgotten pieces hidden in your jewellery box all over again!
How to keep your hands healthy and your rings in sparkling condition during the COVID-19 outbreak
For many of us, our rings are part of us, part of who we are and we almost never take them off.
Get summer holiday-ready
For our holiday, we all love to pack our favourite summer dresses and of course our jewellery.
Fair gold vs Recycled Gold?
Gold is symbolic of love, power, and wealth all over the world. But look beyond the glitz, the reality is not so glamorous...
What are your rings saying about you
Where and how you decide to wear your rings can say a lot about you and the kind of person you are.